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STEM Education at its Finest

The Science Department at Sarasota High School is committed to providing high quality science education to each student on our campus.  From standard science courses to a wide variety of college level courses through our AICE program out of Cambridge and our award-winning MaST Research Institute, we truly have something to offer every student who walks through our halls.

Andy Harshman

Andy Harshman

Department Chair, MaST Director, AP Research, AICE Environmental Management

Courtney Coppola

Courtney Coppola

Science SLC Leader, MaST Director, AP Research, Marine Science

John Stevenson

John Stevenson

MaST Director, AP Seminar, Experimental Science 1, PreAICE & AICE Chemistry

Megan Ehlers

Megan Ehlers

AICE Marine Science, Carefree Learner

Luis Miranda

Luis Miranda

AP Seminar, Experimental Science 1, Marine Biology

Jodi Costa

Jodi Costa

AICE Biology

Daniel Santiso

Livia Mazurek

PreAICE Biology, Biology

Amy Day

Amy Day

PreAICE Biology

Oribel Estevez

Dan Kaser

AICE/PreAICE Physics, PreAICE Environmental Management

Kristina Harshman

Kristina Harshman

PreAICE Chemistry, Experimental Science I

Christopher Booth

Christopher Booth


Valerie Dale

Patricia Dennis


Jennifer Carroll

Jennifer Carroll

Biology, PreAICE Environmental Management

Ryan Miller

Ryan Miller

PreAICE Biology, Regular Biology

Michael Brazil

Marcus Stafford

Agricultural Science



Earth Science, PreAICE Environmental Management

SHS Science Faculty

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SHS Science Course Offerings

The Following Science Courses are Available at Sarasota High

  • PreAICE & AICE Chemistry

  • PreAICE & AICE Biology

  • PreAICE & AICE Physics

  • PreAICE & AICE Marine Science

  • PreAICE & AICE Environmental Management

  • MaST Research Institute Courses

    • Honors Experimental Science 1​

    • AP Capstone: Seminar

    • AP Capstone: Research

  • Agricultural Science 1 & 2

  • Honors Anatomy

  • Anatomy

  • Physics

  • Marine Biology

  • Biology

Carefree Learner

Carefree Learner

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Sailor Science in Action!

Our students do amazing things...

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Virtual Reality in the Classroom

Two teams of SHS science teachers were awarded classroom sets of interactive Virtual Reality headsets.  Students at SHS will be able immerse themselves in environments from around the world, get in depth looks at the microscopic world, and even bring their field experiences back to the classroom.  View the video on the left to see these devices in action!

Dr. Megan Ehlers featured in Politico series!

SHS Marine Science teacher and director of the Carefree Learner 'floating research classroom,' Dr. Megan Ehlers, was featured in a national Politico series on women changing the world with STEM.  We are extremely lucky to have Dr. Ehlers as faculty at SHS, as she provides inspiration and top-notch education to her students.  You can see the Politico feature here!

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©2018 by Sarasota High School Science Department.

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